Sinkless Folding Door Hardware
Sinkless Folding Door Hardware by DingCheng Hardware, full range colors optional and quick lead time. [View Details] [File Download] - Our customers Rating on our products and company [View Details] [File Download]
DingCheng Hardware Company Profile
DingCheng Hardware Company Profile [View Details] [File Download] - Full Range Aluminium Hardware. #aluminum hardware. #friction stay #pull handles #locks #cylinders [View Details] [File Download]
Container of friction stays loading
Container of friction stays loading [View Details] [File Download] -
Square groove friction Stays Mass Production By DingCheng
Square groove friction Stays Mass Production By DingCheng [View Details] [File Download] -
Firction Stays & Woolpile Delivery
Friction stays & woolpile manufacturered by DingCheng, deliverred out to client's warehouse.Find the attachment to know more about the products. [View Details] [File Download] -
Are steel prices still rising?
Steel Prices Still Rising What an unprecedented a year of material cost/availability issues and labor shortages. It is estimated that steel prices are still on the rise, with long lead times, and sheet metal may remain rationed into 2022. [View Details] -
What are the best handles for a door?
One of these options may be the perfect fit for your home. Made of stainless steel with satin finish, mirror finished and coated finished. [View Details] -
Why are aluminum prices going up?
Aluminum Prices Spike Up 62% and Will Continue Rallying in 2022. [View Details]